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Tapestry Church may be a little different than the church experience you may be familiar with. We’re not hung up on the Sunday morning experience. Not saying that it isn’t important to have fellowship and worship together, there’s just more to the journey than once a week. We’re focused on the biblical model for discipleship and and actually being involved in each other’s lives and walks. 




We meet Sunday mornings at 9:00 AM and 11:00 AM, but here’s where it gets weird:

We don’t meet on the first Sunday of each month.
We are blessed to rent from the Virginia Beach Seventh-Day Adventists, they’re like family to us. When we started out, they were using the building on the first Sundays, but what we thought was a logistics problem when we first launched, turned out to be the Holy Spirit working. If you’ve served in a church body, you know that you can get burned out. So this is a recharge time for our people. Visit other churches (we’re not the jealous type,) worship privately, spend the day with your family and friends… just rest. It’s been such a blessing that even when the facility became available on the first Sunday, we politely declined. 


Click the map for directions. The sign says Virginia Beach Seventh Day Adventist, but it’s us on Sundays mornings!
Virginia Beach, VA 23452

Pastor Gary & Jen

Two people who totally hate having a section of the website devoted to them, but here we are. They’re two of the most God seeking, talented, and humble people you’ll ever meet. They have two wonderful children, Judah and Josiah, in elementary school. If you’ve walked down Atlantic Avenue during the summer, you may have seen one or both of them in or around one of Pastor Gary’s shows. Recently, Pastor Gary was named the Director of the newly formed Regent University Institute of Music & Worship, launching in the fall of 2024. 

There’s plenty more we could say about them, but mostly they’d like to know about you over a cup of coffee. Gary isn’t usually as stoic as he is in this picture. He usually looks more like this.